Saturday, September 24, 2011

Blog #3



Marines run up to chopper with the wounded. INSIDE the MEDIVAC they see wounded laid across the floor.  HELICOPTER MARINE yells out:


You called in with two wounded!


We got four!


Can't take four! We have no room!


Make goddamn room!

Helicopter marine relents and tries to make room.  They get two soldiers on.  PVT MOTTOLA help PVT GUERRERO in.


I'll work on that mix for you.


Thanks dude. I'm gonna need it.


Now! We're moving now!

Imlay bumps fists with another soldier as..

SGT. NANTZ runs out with a BOY, followed by two others with GIRLS.


Wait! Hold it! Kids!

He tries to hold the chopper, SCREAMING as...

The MEDIVAC rises.  The marines run to the chopper with the kids.  The CHOPPER GAINS ALTITUDE as suddenly...

BOOM! A SHOCKWAVE OF ENERGY FIRES from the left and the MEDIVAC takes a DIRECT HIT. The devastating energy wave BLASTS it END-OVER-END.  The helicopter CRASHES INTO A HOUSE and EXPLODES.  Nantz turns slowly as a BUZZING SOUND FADES IN.  STROBING LIGHTS and SOUND of an ALIEN AIRCRAFT.


I couldn't export it from Celtx as a pdf, so I was forced to just copy and paste; therefore it is not in the correct format.

Blog #2

Here is a link to an article by Johnathon Flaum called Find Your Howl.  This article is about finding ways to express yourself and things that make us who we really are.  This article begins with a story about a pack of red wolves.  These wolves were extremely endangered and were kept in captivity in order to keep them from dying in the wild.  After a new generation of these wolves were born they were set out into the wild to see if they could adapt.  They were as normal as could be except for one thing-- they did not know how to howl. Without their howls, they felt vulnerable because they could not be feared.  They all wanted to return to captivity.  All except for one wolf named Mumon.  Mumon hated captivity because he was simply handed food instead of hunting for it as he was meant to.  He left the others and went off to find food.  He came upon a deer that gave him advice about how to find his howl, after which he killed and ate the deer.  Later a group of birds came to finish the deer carcass and also gave Mumon advice.  He then received a jolt of energy and ran for days and days, shedding what he had been before and becoming what nature had intended him to be.  He then came upon a farmer that shot him and put him into a trance, where he saw a tribe dancing around a fire.  He entered the fire and began to howl.  When he awoke from the trance the tribe had become his pack and he was standing on a rock howling.  His pack answered his call and howled with him.  The point that Flaum is making here is that we have to escape everything around us in order to find our "howl".  By spending time alone in the forest Mumon discovered what it was that gave a wolf its howl.  We must spend some time discovering ourselves and expressing ourselves.  Sometimes that is what it takes to find out what really makes us “us”.
"We are all inventors, each sailing out on a voyage of discovery, guided each by a private chart, of which there is no duplicate. The world is all gates, all opportunities."

This quote really speaks to me because its message is basically that we are all creative geniuses, we just have to find our inner self and use that individuality to help us.  It also relates to the article in that way.  Also, it says that the world is all opportunities, which is true.  You just have to seek them out and make the most of them.

Blog #1

I chose to use this picture of a flower to identify the color scheme of my protagonist.  The purple and yellow invoke a sense of majesty or holiness.  The yellow is the main focal point in this picture as well as in the picture of my character.  This complementary color scheme has a calming, protective feel to it, which hints to the motives of my protagonist.
As far as the lighting/shadow is concerned, I used this picture of Obama speaking because it represents the way I used light in my character drawing.  The light is focused behind him, but is coming from all around him, giving off a glow.  I used this same technique in my drawing, using the glow to give him an angelic feel, which inherently makes him seem “good”. 

For the shape, I used this drawing of a tree.  It is triangular shaped, with the point being at the bottom.  My protagonist is shaped the exact same way.  This shape represents the leadership and stubbornness of my character. 
For the antagonist, I chose this picture with heavy use of black and a very saturated red.  Darkness(black) is typically associated with evil, and the saturated red reminds one of blood and is very intense.  This simple monochromatic color scheme produces thoughts of evil and destructiveness.  The darkness really makes the red stand out, and represents the anger of the antagonist.
This picture represents the type of lighting used for the antagonist drawing.  It is very dark except for the light surrounding the shadow.  This gives a sense of mystery and creepiness to the character.  Heavy shadow is normally associated with evil and is a big part of the overall scheme.  Using too much light would defeat the purpose, making the antagonist seem less scary.  The shadow also helps hide the face, because nothing is scarier than the unknown.
The shape of the antagonist is also triangular, which alludes to his individuality and power.  The shape is repeated in this picture, with the mouth, direction of the eyes, ears, etc. This makes the cat look evil and scary, which is exactly what I’m going for with the character.